
The Most Useful step 2 CS guide


Patient Note writing paper

At the USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills examination center, they give you a bunch of only 12 PN sheets and only 12 scrap paper sheets.you can write on the both side of the scrap paper to make note. You should take care not to write outside the frame of the sheet, because the paper will be scanned and nothing outside the frame will be read. Use the pen provided by the examination center, you are not allowed to use your own pens.A sample of sheet is provided here, which is exactly like an original sheet ( original PN sheet will also have your name, the number of the encounter, and a bar code printed on top of it. ) "Patient notes are rated by physicians who are well trained at reading notes and can interpret most handwriting. However, extreme illegibility will be a problem and can adversely impact a score. Everyone who writes patient notes by hand should make them as legible as possible." - usmle.org (2010 hand book)


  1. Patient notes are rated by physicians who are well trained at reading notes and can interpret most handwriting. However, extreme illegibility will be a problem and can adversely impact a score. squidoo.com/paper-writing-service-77613

  2. If you're writing a story, how can you make your sentences more interesting? If you're doing practice exams for Common Entrance or the 11 plus Writing Paper. term paper writing service

  3. AV Osborn is a writer, composition educator, honor winning writer, distributed web scholar, and innovative genuine workshop pioneer. She serves on the leading group of Carolina Wren Press in Durham, NC and an independent Pr/editor.Writing Paper


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